It might seem really strange that we are in the second week of school and we aren't even into the Doctrine and Covenants yet. Not to worry, we are headed there next week!
Some important things need to happen when we first start seminary.
First: Especially with Freshman, it is important to explain what is expected in seminary.
How is this different than Sunday School or any other class they've ever been in?
That often takes a couple of days. I wish it didn't, but sometimes it does.
Second: We like to spend a day getting to know each other a little. One of our priorities is to have a feeling of unity in our class. It's important to emphasize that our time in seminary is very sacred.
Building trust takes time, and we try to start it off right.
Third: We always start the seminary year with a day or two focused on the Plan of Salvation.
I love that we do this and sometimes I wish that we could spend even more time building that foundation. But two days is probably enough since we'll be referring back to it all year.
Fourth: Especially as we are talking about the Restoration this year it is important to spend a day focused on the Great Apostasy. This helps us understand why the Restoration is so vitally important.
Fifth: We are just getting going on Scripture Mastery. With Freshman you often do things a little slower in the beginning. I like to spend some time talking about why we memorize scriptures, methods to memorizing, and how to find the doctrines and principles found in the scriptures that have been chosen for us to memorize. They aren't just random scriptures, they are chosen because they teach and clarify important doctrines.
Is it starting to make sense why we haven't actually begun Section 1 yet? I hope so.
Plus- 40 minutes goes by insanely fast!!
Today we did the Introduction to the Doctrine and Covenants and Monday we will start Section 1, however, then we take a break and go to the Joseph Smith History for a couple of days.
This class is more than just learning the revelations found in the Doctrine and Covenants, it is in large part studying the history of the church as well.
To be honest, it's been my most challenging year to teach because it stretches me to learn things that, for whatever reason, I have had a difficult time retaining. (The History)
But that's also the one reason I do love it. It stretches me.
Which makes my testimony grow.
Usually I am very organized with calendars and devotionals. This year we have one obstacle we are currently seeking a good solution for, but it has made my usual organization a little challenging.
Let me explain:
We have 2 teachers and almost 65 freshman. Though I have the stage and have plenty of room to fit everyone, it is not ideal to have 38 students in a class, especially a Freshman class. The new teaching emphasis works best in smaller classes. Sister Topham has 28 students in a smaller class, room 107. This creates a tight, claustrophobic feeling in her class, and that's certainly not ideal for feeling the spirit.
We are trying to resolve this concern the best way that provides the very best learning environment for everyone. The only solution we have been able to come to is to create an additional 3rd class and take students from both of our classes to create it. (Obviously this would effect my class the most). This option makes me want to cry, but I understand why this option is being carefully considered.
I ask you to please pray for us that we will be able to have the Lord's guidance in this.
It sounds like a small thing, but it really feels like a big deal for us.
We love the kids and we want them to love seminary so much!
This is the reason that I haven't made my calendar yet. Please be patient with me while we work through this issue and I promise that we will have the answers, as well as a calendar soon.
Part of the process of knowing what to do in this situation is observing how it's working as it is.
We really hate to change things up after the year is underway, so hopefully our concerns will be resolved soon.
Once we have a calendar you will find our reading assignments, scripture mastery for the week, and devotional assignments. Until then, keep checking Instagram!
This is The Lord's work. I love Him and I trust Him. I have come to rely on Him in every situation in my life and in my teaching. I have a testimony of the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
He leads His work through living prophets and apostles, as well as loving Stake Presidencies who seek heaven's guidance in our behalf, especially in regards to our seminary program.
They sure do love the youth!
Thanks for all you do!
Have a wonderful weekend!!
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