What a great week!
Studying the life of the Prophet Joseph Smith has given me much to consider about my own life this week. I really hope it did for everyone else as well.
I love the Prophet.
What a great honor it is to testify of him every day.
I think the thing that meant the most to me this week was the process of pushing myself to memorize the first verse of our scripture mastery, JSH 1:15. It was HARD, and we did it!
I especially appreciate those who have really committed themselves to give all of these verses a 100% effort. They inspire me!
This will be JSH 1:15-20. Take a look- you'll see what I mean!
This will be JSH 1:15-20. Take a look- you'll see what I mean!
Memorizing is not easy, and sometimes the wording is tricky.
But the more we do it, the easier it gets, I definitely have a testimony of that.
What a powerful witness to be able to share our testimonies of the first vision with others, having this account etched in our minds, word for word. Awesome! Who knows how many lives, besides our own, it will bless in the future.
That's a cool thought!
Section 2 of the Doctrine and Covenants is what this life is all about.
It's just three small verses, but it say's it all.
This life is about the sealing of families, God's family, through priesthood power.
This life is about the sealing of families, God's family, through priesthood power.
Next week we will begin on Monday with section 3 and will end the week on section 7.
It's going to be a great week.
I get excited about seminary every day.
I get excited about seminary every day.
Please take note that, Tuesday, September 23rd is "Parent Day". This is a day where we invite our wonderful parents to come to seminary to meet the teachers, have a quick lesson, answer questions, share how things are going, and praise your children.
The kids are invited to sleep in, but if they want to come, they are invited as well.
I realize that it's difficult to get them to school if you're at the church, so whatever you decide to do is great.
Update on our class: I felt very strong that we should not split the class.
It's a big class but I love each and every one of them already.
It's a big class but I love each and every one of them already.
I pray for them daily. I feel of their goodness. I hope that everyone is ok with the decision that was made. I am 100% committed to them. I hope that they know this.
I ask for the students, and parents, to pray for our class. There is a great call upon us in these latter days. We need heaven's help to prepare us for the work that is ours. I know that these youth are reserved for this important time on earth. We need to understand true doctrine if we are to share it with the world. As President Boyd K. Packer has taught, "True doctrine, understood, changes attitudes and behavior."
That's what we seek to understand, true doctrine.
That's what we seek to understand, true doctrine.
Have a wonderful weekend!!
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