Why is it that we need a long weekend so BAD right now?
Well, here's what I've noticed, time and time again, after YEARS of wise experience...
We just do. Period. :)
But I have loved being with all of you this week.
Really, I have!
You are the highlight of my day.
Sometimes I wake up--(almost every day, especially when it's dark and cold),
and say to myself....
and say to myself....
'Self, you have been doing this for a LONG time.
Are you even making a difference?'
Are you even making a difference?'
(and then my persuasive subconscious verifies),
'YEAH, I can't believe you are still doing this!'
'YEAH, I can't believe you are still doing this!'
But then I get up, get going, throw my hair into some weird bun thing,
get in my car, come and see all of your beautiful, happy faces...
get in my car, come and see all of your beautiful, happy faces...
and then I just KNOW why I keep doing this.
It's because YOU + THE GOSPEL= JOY.
That's why I keep going.
You know, since I've been taking MATH this semester,
I am learning that these are the only mathematical equations that really
make sense to me anymore.
I am learning that these are the only mathematical equations that really
make sense to me anymore.
Today we ended with the sad story of James Covell.
A man who was offered abundant blessings of the gospel, yet walked away.
We too are offered these blessings.
Let's face it, the gospel has so much to offer!
Do me a favor--PLEASE don't walk away.
Realize that Satan wants you to.
Realize that he is always waiting for the right opportunity to persuade you that it isn't worth it.
But it is worth it.
Yes, there is work involved, yes, there is sacrifice,
but work and sacrifice have always been part of God's wise plan.
Please, stay with it.
I know it feels like there is just so much to do....
And some days, in fact, maybe everyday, YOU wake up and say to yourself...
'Self, I can't believe your doing this.
Other people aren't doing this.
It's still dark out.
It's cold.
I'm so tired and I need more sleep.
Is it worth it?'
Let me assure you that it is.
It's worth it because The Lord has asked us to do it,
and because when we do what He asks, He blesses us for it.
Obedience+Sacrifice= The Lord's blessings.
So- KEEP CALM, enjoy this long weekend,
REST UP, have some FuN and I will see you all next Wednesday!
(PLUS---Guess what--November has lots of time off!)
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